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November 18, 2002
Photos and text by L. Craig Schoonmaker
Webmaster, Resurgence City Website
There are 79 photographs of Newark on the home page of the Resurgence City site and 7 more base photos (with many variations) on the artistic-view page. They give some sense of what the city looks like at the beginning of the 21st Century. Here are some more to hone that view. Over time, I will post more photos (in followup galleries) of more areas of this revitalized city. Some of these photos are grainy, a function of my old digital camera and graphics software. The photos in later galleries should look better.
No, there are no pictures of the bad parts of the city. For one thing, I haven't made a systematic survey of the entire city, inasmuch as I did not until recently own a car, so getting around was difficult, and having to wait for public transportation in a bad area of any city is not a very good idea. So no, not all of Newark is wonderful — yet. But a lot of people will be surprised that Newark is as pretty and prosperous as in fact it is. Good. Let the photos below speak for themselves.
A word, however, about why there are so few people in most of these photos. I work weekdays, so the only time I have to take pictures is the weekend, and most of these photos were taken on a quiet Sunday afternoon. It was also a fairly gray day as regards weather, so there is no brite-blue sky behind these sights. But we do sometimes have dazzling blue skies, skies you can actually SEE, because in Newark the sky is much more in evidence than in Manhattan, where I used to live.
And now, some images of Newark.
Flags fly over the Prudential Center and National Newark Building.
Intricate roof of building at Essex County College, foreground, downtown
office buildings behind.
Essex County College passes over Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard.
Submerged plaza, Essex County College.
Dwarf evergreens dot a section of the campus of Essex County College.
Wider view of the grounds of Essex County College.
Spider-like roof of building on Essex County College campus.
Closer view of intricate roof of Essex County College building.
Clocktower across Broad Street as seen past flowering trees of Military
Closeup of the canopy over the entryway to City Hall and the brass eagles
flanking the broad stairway.
Central portion of the facade of Newark's City Hall. The dome is coveredin
gold leaf and is floodlit at nite
Central portion of the facade of the Essex County Hall of Records,
MLK Boulevard at West Market Street.
Ornate office and commercial building on Market Street that reminds me
of a jukebox.
Dignified office tower, First Presbyterian Church beyond, Broad Street
near Market (the "Four Corners").
First Presbyterian Church, Broad Street near the Four Corners.
Signs in front of the First Presbyterian Church.
Closeup of the smaller of the signs in front of the First Presbyterian
The National Newark Building seen past the flagpole at the south end of
Military Park.
The National Newark Building as seen above a low building on Market
One of two statues alongside grand stairway of the Old Courthouse
(designed by renowned American architect Cass Gilbert), backed by flowering
trees, spring 2002.
(The trees have since been removed as part of the renovation of the
One of Newark's tourguide signs announces the University Heights
site of colleges and county government buildings.
West Market Street side, Old Essex County
Courthouse, University Heights district.
The sculptor of Mount Rushmore's heroic portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt created a larger-than-life-size statue in bronze of The Great Emancipator to grace a plaza in front of the Essex County Courthouse designed by acclaimed American architect Cass Gilbert (who also designed, among other structures, the Woolworth Building in New York City and the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC). Lincoln sits on a bench (an integral part of the statue), his stovepipe hat beside him, and looks down Market Street to the heart of Downtown Newark. Note: the flowering trees in these photos have since been removed as part of the restoration of the Old Courthouse to its more spare original feel.)
The setting, amid white-flowering trees, spring 2002.
Wider view of the setting, showing the courthouse, behind.
Closer view.
Closer view.
View from slightly farther right.
Right side.
Closer side view, in which hat is prominent.
Back view.
3/4 back view.
(This is the end of this section.) [Go to Resurgence City home page to navigate to other pages on this site.]