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This page will present quotes from prominent people. It is very
preliminary. Please send suggestions for inclusion to, with
a URL at which we can confirm the authorship and exact wording. Or send printed
materials to Resurgence City, c/o L. Craig Schoonmaker, 295 Smith
Street, Newark, NJ 07106-2517.
"Today, Newark is my Stockholm and that plaque is my prize." Philip Roth, on the occasion of the unveiling by Mayor James of a plaque on Roth's childhood home in the Weequahic section, October 23, 2005. The opening screen of The Philip Roth Society's website shows him in front of a map of Newark (tho his body blocks the view of the Weequahic section where he spent his youth). The quote refers to speculation that he might win the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2005, which instead went to British author Harold Pinter. Who needs Stockholm?
"Sioux City is like a little Newark but without the glamor of Newark." Joan Rivers
"The nation's most glamorous theater" Clive Barnes, theater critic of The New York Times, speaking of the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in downtown Newark
(This is the end of this area.) [Return to the Resurgence
City home page.]